

Mission to Recover Lost Dreams

Senior Capstone Thesis
Fall 2020

We live in a bubble, with a whole vast expanse of unknown just beyond it. As humans, we have only explored and researched a small portion of it, and there is so much we still have yet to know. I have always loved outerspace. I loved learning about it growing up, reading my astrology charts, finding constellations in the night sky, or watching space movies. It has always been present in my life, however it also gets ignored a fair amount.  

For my thesis topic, I chose to write a love letter dedicated to outerspace. I told it all about my hopes, dreams, feelings, and memories that have been lost and forgotten. I chose to format it into a zine that can be printed in bright neon colors on the Risograph, and uses holographic foils. My goal is to create a beautiful statement piece, that could be continuously read, passed on, and cherished. In doing so, I hope to recover the lost dreams of the reader, as I have recovered my own.

Encased in the envelope with the zine, the reader will also receive a poster designed with elements from the zine, holographic stickers, and a custom mission patch for completing the journey through Dreamspace VOL. 1.